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时间:2024-07-16  阅读:

讲座题目:Navigating the Frontier: Unstructured Data and the Future of AI(前沿导航:非结构化数据与人工智能的未来)

主讲人:王欣   弗吉尼亚理工学院





Artificial intelligence (AI) is a vast area of computer science focused on creating machines capable of perceiving their environment and performing tasks typically requiring human intelligence. AI encompasses several interrelated fields, including computer vision (detecting images), natural language processing (understanding written language), speech recognition (interpreting spoken language), and machine learning/deep learning. As organizations implement machine learning, many traditional marketing methods will either become obsolete or undergo significant transformations. Algorithms will enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of tasks like market structure analysis and competitor identification. However, machine learning methods can be resource-intensive, with algorithms taking considerable time to converge, especially with large datasets. Future efforts to integrate new technologies, such as quantum computing, with machine learning methods will further reduce computational costs and unlock new research opportunities.



王欣教授现为弗吉尼亚理工学院 Pamplin 商学院终身正教授,博士生导师,并担任博士及硕士研究生项目主任。王教授目前为AMA北美市场营销协会学术委员会(12人)的唯一华人委员,目前担任Journal of Marketing、Production and Operation Management和Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science的副主编,同时是Journal of Marketing Research和Journal of Consumer Research的编委会成员,并担任多本经济类、管理类期刊及多个国家研究基金项目的评审人。他的研究领域包括人工智能的商业应用,大数据挖掘和公司战略研究,营销和金融科技,市场结构和品牌关系,社交网络分析,互联网营销,消费者产品选择及行为经济学;研究成果发表在Marketing Science、Journal of Consumer Research、Management Science、Journal of Marketing Research、Journal of Marketing、International Journal of Research in Marketing等国际顶级学术期刊。基于北美市场营销协会过去十年的统计,王教授是全球在顶级营销期刊上发表文章数量最高产的前50名高产学者之一。在加盟弗吉尼亚理工大学之前,王教授任教于加拿大西安大略大学(Western University) 毅伟商学院(Ivey Business School)营销系,博士生导师,卡夫集团讲席教授,是统计和精算系的双聘教授。王教授曾获得2021、2023年两度获得北美市场营销协会最具实践性期刊论文大奖(唯一一位两次获奖者)、2023年北美营销协会最佳博士论文指导奖(提名奖,Donald Lehmann Award Finalist)、2021年MSI杰出青年学者奖、2013和2018年两次年度北美市场营销冬季会议最佳论文,以及其他多项教学和科研奖项。