讲座题目:Acquiring patents for monopoly(收购专利以垄断化)
主讲人:徐建欢 新加坡管理大学 助理教授
The trade of patents has seen significant growth in recent decades due to various pro-patent trade policies. This paper quantifies the macro consequence of pro-patent trade policy in the context of China's firm income tax reform in 2008. Exploiting variation in patent trade tax across industries as an instrument to identify the causal effect of trade, we find that although more patents are created when trade is easier, the patent is more likely to be acquired by big firms and new patents are connected with big firms' existing technologies closer. We build an endogenous growth model featuring a patent trade market to study the welfare impact of the patent trade. Our findings indicate that subsidizing patent trade at a flat rate may actually decrease welfare due to the increase in monopoly power. Specifically, most distortions are from inventors changing their research directions to make patents easier to be acquired by monopolists. The optimal subsidy for patent trade is derived, which depends on the initial level of misallocation in the invention market。
徐建欢,新加坡管理大学的经济学助理教授。研究和教学聚焦于生产率和经济增长,特别关注中国经济,作品发表在Review of Economic statistics, Journal of Development Economics等期刊上。