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Haoyuan Ding,Bei Nia,Chang Xue(薛畅),Xiaoyu Zhang:Land Holdings and Outward Foreign Direct Investment: Evidence from China
时间:2022-03-01  阅读:

摘要:Land transaction data and data on the outward foreign direct investment (OFDI) by Chinese listed firms are analyzed to find that a firm’s land holdings have positive effects on its likelihood of investing overseas, the frequency of such investments, and value invested. We use prefecture-level land supply area and price as instrumental variables to deal with the endogeneity problem and get consistent results. Our analysis suggests that firms can obtain better loan terms with land as collateral, and that more affordable funding promotes OFDI. Non-state-owned enterprises rely on land as collateral in this way more than state-owned enterprises. Such use of collateral is more pronounced for firms operating in provinces with poor local institutions and in host countries with better institutional quality.

【关键词】Land holdings,outward foreign direct investment,collateral

该文2022年3月在线发表于《Journal of International Money and Finance》,该期刊为太阳集团tyc4633学术期刊分级方案B+奖励期刊。